Africa's biodiversity in‐between ecology and economy

22 avril 2024 | Luca Luiselli
African Journal of Ecology, Volume 62, Issue 2, February 2024.
 Site référencé:  African Journal of Ecology

African Journal of Ecology 

Wildlife corridor degradation and human‐wildlife conflict : A case study from Tanzania
Unravelling the dynamics : Large mammal occupancy modelling in a West African tropical forest
Linking physico‐chemical parameters and macroinvertebrates for water quality assessment of Kakamega and the East Usambara montane ecosystems in (...)
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The interplay between historical land‐use and the distribution of Helichrysum shrubs in an African‐protected grassland
Finders' eaters : Increasing bush encroachment may shift carcass detection from diurnal avian to nocturnal mammalian (...)