Friends of evil (Chapter 13) : Indifference to the demons of race

28 août 2013 | tomndahiro
The genocide against the Tutsi, which took place in Rwanda should not be allowed to happen elsewhere. Commenting on this genocide Boutros Ghali rightly said: “The world’s nations must not say that the challenge is too remote, or too dangerous, or that it fails to meet the criteria for action. It (...)
 Site référencé:  Friends of evil

Friends of evil 

The FDLR in North and South Kivu : A State within a State
Slavery in the DR Congo : FDLR are the masters
THE FRIENDS OF EVIL : When NGOs support genocidaires
Friends of evil (Chapter 14) : A Final Appeal and Conclusion
Friends of evil (Chapter 12) Carrero, A Mockery to the Nobel Peace Prize
Friends of evil (Chapter 11) : A Club of Lovers of Hatred