Friends of evil (Chapter 10) : Fast moves from European NGOS to rehabilitate (...)

28 août 2013 | tomndahiro
As the genocide perpetrators regrouped in the fall of 1994 to pursue their cause from their base in the refugee camps of eastern Zaire, they were fortunate to have friends in the Europe who were ready, able and willing to help on the crucial media front. In Belgium, far away from Goma and (...)
 Site référencé:  Friends of evil

Friends of evil 

The FDLR in North and South Kivu : A State within a State
Slavery in the DR Congo : FDLR are the masters
THE FRIENDS OF EVIL : When NGOs support genocidaires
Friends of evil (Chapter 14) : A Final Appeal and Conclusion
Friends of evil (Chapter 13) : Indifference to the demons of race
Friends of evil (Chapter 12) Carrero, A Mockery to the Nobel Peace Prize