Africa's biodiversity in‐between ecology and economy

22 avril 2024 | Luca Luiselli
African Journal of Ecology, Volume 62, Issue 2, February 2024.
 Site référencé:  African Journal of Ecology

African Journal of Ecology 

Unravelling the dynamics : Large mammal occupancy modelling in a West African tropical forest
Linking physico‐chemical parameters and macroinvertebrates for water quality assessment of Kakamega and the East Usambara montane ecosystems in (...)
Threatening the endangered : Uncovering endangered elasmobranchs and factors perpetuating the Tanzanian shark‐fin trade
The interplay between historical land‐use and the distribution of Helichrysum shrubs in an African‐protected grassland
Finders' eaters : Increasing bush encroachment may shift carcass detection from diurnal avian to nocturnal mammalian (...)
Lack of mitochondrial introgression and limited genetic connectivity among Manyara tilapia (Oreochromis amphimelas) populations in Tanzanian Saline Rift (...)